Results for Module A | New website

Selected results for Module A can be found at

The BMBF funding measure" Sustainable Land Management " expires by the end of 2017. Since 1 July the website has no longer been updated.

The listed contacts are no longer up to date.
Registration is no longer possible.

If you have any questions, please contact:


What is Module A of the ‘Sustainable Land Management’ funding measure?

The Sustainable Land Management funding measure, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), aims to contribute to the development and implementation of practical solutions for global and regional challenges of land management. It seeks to develop new perspectives on the responsible use of the scarce land resources.

The focus of research in Module A is on the interactions between land management, climate change and ecosystem services. These interactions are multi-dimensional and complex and are not yet fully understood.


We would like to announce the upcoming FinalConference2016. It will be held on March 7-9, 2016 at dbb forum in Berlin.

The FinalConference2016 aims to draw a conclusion of the BMBF research programme ‘Sustainable Land Management’. Thus the conference is to present results and lessons learned from the individual projects and the programme as a whole gained over the last seven years. We hope that you will be able to join us in Berlin.

                                  → FinalConference2016 website

Quarterly Letter | Special Issue: Launch of the new website

Dear colleagues in the Sustainable Land Management programme, in this special issue of the Quarterly Letter we want to inform you that today we launched our new website:  




LandYOUs Game: How to use land? YOU decide!

In this free online game the player steps into the role of a politician for ten rounds and manages the land by the means of different policies. The main goal is to invest capital to achieve the economic, social and ecological success at the same time.


Media centre

Videos, podcasts,  science portraits and more!
Sustainable Land Management: watch, listen and understand.
