SP 4 - Vegetation

Subproject 4 has two major objectives:

  • assessing composition, distribution and carbon sequestration potential of the non-crop vegetation types
  • developing and testing guidelines for steppe restoration measures.


Specific contributions to the work packages in the KULUNDA consortium are:

1 – Quantification and Assessment

Update of the existing information on vegetation cover and land use (search of currently available data plus new survey) in the Kulunda steppe region; establishment of a spatial reference for modelling and monitoring approaches related to vegetation units at the regional scale

Quantitative and qualitative analyses of biodiversity and associated ecosystem functions incl. quantification of C and nutrient pools (above-ground) in the various vegetation types, and their resilience to land use and climate change. Assessment of the potential and priority areas for a regional restoration strategy.

2 – Management and restoration practices

Compilation of a biological trait database for key steppe plants (essential for restoration trials)

Upgrade and improvement of available restoration techniques for steppe ecosystems; test and fine-tuning of specific measures for the Kulunda steppe

3 – Implementation

Monitoring: Design, test and implementation of suitable monitoring methods.

Design of pilot climate-adapted restoration procedures conceived with close stakeholder involvement, recommendations for regionalized concepts of sustainable land use.