»Interactions between Land Management, Climate Change and Ecosystem Services« |
Quarterly Letter | Issue 14 | 16th of December 2014 |
Dear colleagues,
With this last 2014 Quarterly Letter we would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas, and quiet and relaxing days before stepping into the New Year!
We want to thank all regional projects and their partners for an interactive year of cooperation and hope for common successful activities in the upcoming year and implementation phase of the land management programme.
Kindest regards, The GLUES Scientific Coordination Team
Sustainable Land Management News |
Selected Publications and Products |
Gerold, G, Jungkunst, H. F., Wantzen, K. M., Schönenberg, R., Amorim, R.S.S., Couto, E.G., Madari, B., Hohnwald, S. (Eds.) (2014): Interdisciplinary Analysis and Modeling of Carbon-Optimized Land MAnagement Strategies for Southern Amazonia. Carbiocial Status Conference in Cuiabà, October 7-8, 2013. Universitätsdrucke Göttingen. Universitätsverlag Göttingen. ISBN: 978-3-86395-138-2 ...more
Gerstner, K., Dormann, C.F., Stein, A., Manceur, A. M., Seppelt, R. (2014): EDITOR'S CHOICE: Effects of land use on plant diversity – A global meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology. Vol. 51, (6): 1690–1700. ...more
Gröner, F., Ziková, A., Kloas, W. (2015): Effects of the pharmaceuticals diclofenac and metoprolol on gene expression levels of enzymes of biotransformation, excretion pathways and estrogenicity in primary hepatocytes of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. (Part C) 167: 51–57.
Görg, C., Spangenberg, J. H., Tekken, V., Burkhard. B., Truong, D. T., Escalada. M., Heong, K. L., Arida, G., Marquez, L. V., Bustamante, J. V., Chien, H. V., Klotzbücher, T., Marxen, A., Manh, N. H., Sinh, N. V., Villareal, S. (Bong)., Settele, J. (2014): Engaging Local Knowledge in Biodiversity Research: Experiences from Large Inter- and Transdisciplinary Projects. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, Vol. 39 (4): 323–41.
Spangenberg, J. H., Douguet, J.-M., Settele, J., Heong, K. L.. (2015): Escaping the lock-in of continuous insecticide spraying in rice: Developing an integrated ecological and socio-political DPSIR analysis. Ecological Modelling 295: 188–195.
Pröpper, M., Haupts, F. (2014): The culturality of ecosystem services. Emphasizing process and transformation. Ecological Economics, Vol. 108: 28–35.
Röder, A., Pröpper, M., Stellmes, M., Schneibel, A., Hill, J. (2015): Assessing urban growth and rural land use transformations in a cross-border situation in Northern Namibia and Southern Angola. Land Use Policy, Vol. 42: 340–354.
Schnegg, M., Rieprich. R., and Pröpper, M. (2014): Culture, Nature, and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services in Northern Namibia. Ecology and Society 19 (4): 26.
Hanspach, J., Hartel, T., Milcu, A. I., Mikulcak, F., Dorresteijn, I., Loos, J., Wehrden, H. von., Kuemmerle, T., Abson, D., Kovács-Hostyánszki, A., Báldi. A., Fischer, J. (2014): A holistic approach to studying social-ecological systems and its application to southern Transylvania. Ecology and Society 19(4): 32.
12.1.15 - 17.1.15 IPBES Third Plenary Location: Bonn, Germany ...more
25.3.15 - 27.3.15 Water, Soil and Waste DRESDEN NEXUS CONFERENCE Location: Dresden, Germany ...more
07.7.15 - 10.7.15 “Our Common Future under Climate Change” Location: Paris, France ...more
17.7.15 - 19.7.15 IAMO Forum 2015 Location: Halle (Saale), Germany ...more
21.9.15 - 24.9.15 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference "Land Use and Water Quality" Location: Vienna, Austria ...more
BMBF-Research Programme „Sustainable Land Management” Scientific Coordination and Synthesis (GLUES)
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ Department for Computational Landscape Ecology Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
For more information please get in touch with:
Daniela Narr | daniela.narr(at)ufz.de | +49 (0) 341-235 1058 or
Andreas Werntze | andreas.werntze(at)ufz.de | +49 (0) 341-235 1816
Picture credits: CARBIOCIAL (1), CCLandStraD (2), SURUMER (3, 4), Tomas Vaclavik (5), LMU (6), IBN (7), André Künzelmann UFZ (8), IYS 2015 Platform (9).
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