»Interactions between Land Management, Climate Change and Ecosystem Services« |
Quarterly Letter | Issue 16 | 1st of July 2015 |
Dear colleagues,
Today, you receive Issue 16 of our regular Quarterly Letter. As usual, in this issue we present numerous interesting news and recent publications.
Some of the regional projects of the Sustainable Land Management programme will finish their research activities in the next months. To collect information for the upcoming Quarterly Letters we would like to ask you for your latest results, pictures, publications you would like to share with the community in our research programme. Your support would be very much appreciated.
We hope you will find a wide range of interesting scientific readings in this Quarterly Letter issue.
Have a good summer time! The GLUES Scientific Coordination Team
Sustainable Land Management News |
Selected Publications and Products |
Gunkel, G., Lima, D., F. Selge, F., M. Sobral, M., Calado, S. (2015): Aquatic Ecosystem Services of Reservoirs in Semi-arid Areas: Sustainability and Reservoir Management. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 197, 187-200, 187-200. ISSN:1746-448X Digital ISSN:1743-3541
Siegmund-Schultze, M., Rodorff, V., Köppel, J., Sobral, MC. (2015): Paternalism or participatory governance? Efforts and obstacles in implementing the Brazilian water policy in a large watershed. Land Use Policy. Vol. 48: 120–130
Ranaivosona, T., Brinkmannb, K., Rakoutha, B., Buerkertb, A.(2015): Distribution, biomass and local importance of tamarind trees in south-western Madagascar. Global Ecology and Conservation. Vol. 4: 14–25
Andriamparany, J. N., Brinkmann, K., Jeannoda, V., Buerkert, A.: (2014). Effects of socio-economic household characteristics on traditional knowledge and usage of wild yams and medicinal plants in the Mahafaly region of south-western Madagascar. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. Vol. 10:82
Golbon,R., Ogutu, J.O., Cotter, M., Sauerborn, J (2015): Rubber yield prediction by meteorological conditions using mixed models and multi-model inference techniques. International Journal of Biometeorology (Impact Factor: 2.1). 04/2015. DOI: 10.1007/s00484-015-0983-0
07.7.15 - 10.7.15 “Our Common Future under Climate Change” Location: Paris, France ...more
17.7.15 - 19.7.15 IAMO Forum 2015 Location: Halle (Saale), Germany ...more
23.8.15 - 29.8.15 iDiv Summer School 2015 – Biodiversity Synthesis Location: Leipzig, Germany ...more
21.9.15 - 24.9.15 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference "Land Use and Water Quality" Location: Vienna, Austria ...more
03.11.15 - 05.11.15 PECS 2015 Conference Location: Spier/Stellenbosch, South Africa ...more
BMBF-Research Programme „Sustainable Land Management” Scientific Coordination and Synthesis (GLUES)
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ Department for Computational Landscape Ecology Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
For more information please get in touch with:
Daniela Narr | daniela.narr(at)ufz.de | +49 (0) 341-235 1058 or
Andreas Werntze | andreas.werntze(at)ufz.de | +49 (0) 341-235 1816
Picture credits: KULUNDA (1), SURUMER (2), CC-LANDSTRAD(3, 4), Peter Moll (5).
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