»Interactions between Land Management, Climate Change and Ecosystem Services«  
  Quarterly Letter | Issue 21 | 3th of November 2016  

Dear colleagues,

Today, you receive Issue 21 of our Quarterly Letter. With this issue we would like to draw your attention to interesting news and several new publications that have been produced within the individual regional projects of the Sustainable Land Management programme in the last months. You also find some upcoming events that we believe might be of interest to the research programme.

We hope you will enjoy reading this issue.

Kindest regards,

The GLUES Scientific Coordination Team

  Sustainable Land Management News  
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  Selected Publications and Products  



Boy, J., Strey, S., Schönenberg, R., Strey, R., Weber-Santos, O., Nendel, C., Klingler, M., Schumann, C., Hartberger, K., Guggenberger, G. (2016): Seeing the forest not for the carbon: why concentrating on land-use-induced carbon stock changes of soils in Brazil can be climate-unfriendly.





Fick, J. et al. (2016): Wechselwirkungen zwischen Landnutzung und Klimawandel. Ausgewählte Ergebnisse des Forschungsvorhabens CC-LandStraD. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut.




Karrasch, L. (2016): Matching an ecosystem services approach with social impact assessment. In: Geneletti, D. (ed.), Handbook on biodiversity and ecosystem services in impact assessment.



Karrasch, L., Klenke, T. (2016): Aligning local adaptive land use management in coastal regions with European policies on climate adaptation and rural development. In: Grabski-Kieron, U., Mose, I., Reichert-Schick, A., Steinführer, A., (eds.).





Nauditt, A., Ribbe, L., (Eds.), (2016): Land Use and Climate Change Interactions in Central Vietnam (LUCCi). Springer book series Water Resources Development and Management




Feldt, T., Neudert, R., Fust, P., Schlecht, E. (2016): Reproductive and economic performance of local livestock in southwestern Madagascar: Potentials and constraints of a highly extensive system.


Goetter, J.F., Neudert, R. (2016): New rules are not rules: Privatization of pastoral commons and local attempts at curtailment in southwest Madagascar. International Journal of the Commons.


Nopper, J., Lauströer, B., Rödel, M.O., Ganzhorn, J.U. (2016): A structurally enriched agricultural landscape maintains high reptile diversity in sub-arid south-western Madagascar.


Noromiarilanto, F., Brinkmann, K., Faramalala, M.H., Buerkert, A., (2016): Assessment of food self-sufficiency in smallholder farming systems of south-western Madagascar using survey and remote sensing data.




Chimwamurombe, P.M., Grönemeyer, J.L., Reinhold-Hurek, B. (2016): Isolation and characterization of culturable seed-associated bacterial endophytes from gnotobiotically grown Marama bean seedlings.


Falk, T., Lohmann, D., Azebaze, N. (2016): Congruence of appropriation and provision in collective water provision in Central Namibia.


Grönemeyer, J.L., Hurek, T., Bünger, W., Reinhold-Hurek, B. (2016): Bradyrhizobium vignae sp. nov., a nitrogen-fixing symbiont isolated from effective nodules of Vigna and Arachis.


Huber, K.J., Geppert, A.M., Wanner, G., Fösel, B.U., Wüst, P.K., Overmann, J. (2016): The first representative of the globally widespread subdivision 6 Acidobacteria, Vicinamibacter silvestris gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from subtropical savannah soil.


Luther-Mosebach, J., Kalinski, K., Gröngröft, A. Eschenbach, A. (2016): CO2 fluxes in subtropical dryland soils—a comparison of the gradient and the closed chamber method.


Gonçalves, F., Tchamba, J., Goyder, D. (2016): Schistostephium crataegifolium (Compositae: Anthemideae), a new generic record for Angola.


Revermann, R., Gomes, A.L., Maiato, F., Wallenfang, J., Hoche, T., Jürgens, N., Finckh, M., (2016): Vegetation Database of the Okavango Basin.


Revermann, R., Finckh, M., Stellmes, M., Strohbach, B., Frantz, D., Oldeland, J. (2016): Linking Land Surface Phenology and Vegetation-Plot Databases to Model Terrestrial Plant Diversity of the Okavango Basin.


Revermann, R., Wallenfang, J., Oldeland, J., Finckh, M. (2016): Species richness and evenness respond to diverging land-use patterns - a cross-border study of dry tropical woodlands in southern Africa.


Schmiedel, U., Araya, Y., Bortolotto, M.I., Boeckenhoff, L., Hallwachs, W., Janzen, D., Kolipaka, S.S., Novotny, V., Palm, M., Parfondry, M., Smanis, A., Toko, P. (2016): Contributions of paraecologists and parataxonomists to research, conservation, and social development.


Schneibel, A., Stellmes, M., Röder, A., Finckh, M., Revermann, R., Frantz, D., Hill, J. (2016): Evaluating the trade-off between food and timber resulting from the conversion of Miombo forests to agricultural land in Angola using multi-temporal Landsat data.


Tsheboeng, G.; Murray-Hudson, M.; Kashe, K. (2016): A baseline classification of riparian woodland plant communities in the Okavango Delta, Botswana.


Weinzierl, T., Wehberg, J., Böhner, J., Conrad, O. (2016): Spatial Assessment of Land Degradation Risk for the Okavango River Catchment, Southern Africa.


Wüst P.K., Foesel B.U., Geppert A., Huber K.J., Luckner M., Wanner G., Overmann J. (2016): Brevitaleaaridisoli, B. deliciosa, and Arenimicrobium luteum, three novel species of Acidobacteria subdivision 4 (class Blastocatellia) isolated from Namibian savanna soil and description of the novel family Pyrinomonadaceae.


Haiyambo, D.H., Chimwamurombe, P.M., Reinhold-Hurek, B. (2015): Isolation and screening of rhizosphere bacteria from grasses in East Kavango region of Namibia for plant growth promoting characteristics.


Haiyambo D.H., Reinhold-Hurek, B., Chimwamurombe, P.M. (2015): Effects of plant growth promoting bacterial isolates from Kavango on the vegetative growth of Sorghum bicolor.


Thito, K., Wolski, P., Murray-Hudson, M. (2015): Spectral reflectance of floodplain vegetation communities of the Okavango Delta.


Wallenfang, J., Finckh, M., Oldeland, J., Revermann, R. (2015): Impact of shifting cultivation on dense tropical woodlands in southeast Angola.


Weinzierl, T., Heider, K. (2015): Assessment of future agricultural conditions in southwestern Africa using fuzzy logic and high resolution climate model scenarios.

  Upcoming Events  

04.12.16 - 17.12.16
Conference of the Parties (COP 13). Thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Cancun, Mexico



14.03.17 - 16.03.17
Worldcover 2017 Conference
Rome, Italy



20.03.17 - 24.03.17
Land and Poverty Conference 2017: Responsible Land Governance—Towards an Evidence Based Approach
Washington, USA



20.03.17 - 23.03.17
2017 Natural Capital Symposium
Stanford University, USA



05.04.17 - 09.04.17
AAG Annual Meeting
Boston, USA



29.05.17 - 01.06.17
International Interdisciplinary Conference "Land Use and Water Quality" 2017
The Hague, the Netherland



BMBF-Research Programme „Sustainable Land Management”
Scientific Coordination and Synthesis (GLUES)

Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Department for Computational Landscape Ecology
Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany


For more information please get in touch with:

Daniela Narr | daniela.narr(at)ufz.de | +49 (0) 341-235 1058 or

Benjamin Haerdle | benjamin.haerdle(at)ufz.de |  +49 (0) 341-235 1816

Picture credits: WOCAT (1, 5), GLUES/UFZ (2), LEGATO (3) and TFO (4).

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