»Interactions between Land Management, Climate Change and Ecosystem Services« |
Quarterly Letter | Issue 22 | 8th of February 2017 |
Dear colleagues,
Today, you receive Issue 22 of our Quarterly Letter. Although most of the projects finished their research activities we still present numerous interesting news and recent publications.
After the presentation at COP13 in Cancun the book 'Making sense of research for sustainable land management' was sent to various interested people and institutions. If you would like to order more copies feel free to get in touch with us.
To collect information for the upcoming Quarterly Letter, we would like to continue to ask you for the latest results, pictures and publications you would like to share with the community in our research program. Your support would be very much appreciated.
We hope you will enjoy reading this issue.
Kindest regards,
The GLUES Scientific Coordination Team
Sustainable Land Management News |
Selected Publications and Products |
Henzen, C., Mäs, S., Zander, F., Schroeder, M., Bernard, L. (2016): Representing Research Collaborations and Linking Scientific Project Results in Spatial Data Infrastructures by Provenance Information. ...more Hofer, B., Mäs, S., Brauner, J., Bernard, L. (2016): Towards a knowledge base to support geoprocessing workflow development. ...more Jacobs, S., Dendoncker, N., Martín-López, B., Barton, D. N., Gomez-Baggethu, E., Boeraeve, F., McGrath, F. L., Vierikko, K., Geneletti, D., Sevecke, K. J., Pipart, N., Primmer, E., Mederly, P., Schmidt, S., Aragão, A., Baral, H., Bark, R. H., Briceno, T., Brogna, D., Cabral, P., De Vreese, R., Liquete, C., Mueller, H., Peh, S. H. K., Phelan, A., Rincón, A. R., Rogers, S. H., Turkelboom, F., Van Reet, W., van Zanten, W. T., Wam, H. K., Washbourn, C-L. (2016): A new valuation school: Integrating diverse values of nature in resource and land use decisions. ...more Lindner, M., Neubert, P. (2016): LandYOUs - an online game in classroom teaching. In: Rusek, M. (ed.) p.87. ...more Mäs, S. ; Henzen, C. ; Bernard, L. (2016): GLUES GDI – eine Austauschplattform für Forschungsdaten zum nachhaltigen Landmanagement. ...more
Gröner, F., Höhne, C., Kleiner, W., Kloas, W. (2017): Chronic diclofenac exposure affects gill integrity and pituitary gene expression and displays estrogenic activity in nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). ...more Koch, R., Almeida-Cortez, J.S., Kleinschmit, B. (2017): Revealing areas of high nature conservation importance in a seasonally dry tropical forest in Brazil: Combination of modelled plant diversity hot spots and threat patterns. ...more Schulz, C., Koch, R., Cierjacks, A., Kleinschmit, B. (2017): Land change and loss of landscape diversity at the Caatinga phytogeographical domain - Analysis of pattern-process relationships with MODIS land cover products (2001-2012). ...more Vilvert, E., Contardo-Jara, V., Esterhuizen-Londt, M., Pflugmacher, S. (2017): The effect of oxytetracycline on physiological and enzymatic defence responses in aquatic plant species Egeria densa, Azolla caroliniana and Taxiphyllum Barbieri. ...more Cierjacks, A., Pommeranz, M., Schulz, K., Almeida-Cortez, J. (2016): Is crop yield related to weed species diversity and biomass in coconut and banana fields of northeastern Brazil? ...more Fischer, P., Pöthig, R., Gücker, B., Venohr, M. (2016): Estimation of the degree of soil P saturation from Brazilian Mehlich 1 P data and investigations on P losses from agricultural sites in Minas Gerais. ...more Keitel, J., Zak, D., Hupfer, M. (2015): Water level fluctuations in a tropical reservoir: the impact of sediment drying, aquatic macrophyte dieback, and oxygen availability on phosphorus mobilization. ...more Matta, E., Selge, F., Gunkel, G., Rossiter, K., Jourieh, A., Hinkelmann, R. (2016): Simulations of nutrient emissions from a net cage aquaculture in a Brazilian bay. ...more Mertens, J., Germer, J., Siqueira, Filho, J.A., Sauerborn, J. (2016): Spondias tuberosa Arruda (Anacardiaceae), a threatened tree of the Brazilian Caatinga? ...more Mertens, J., Germer, J., Araújo Filho, J.C., Sauerborn, J. (2016): Effect of biochar, clay substrate, and manure application on water availability and tree seedling performance in a sandy soil. ...more Schulz, K., Voigt, K., Beusch, C., Almeida-Cortez, J.S., Kowarik, I., Walz, A., Cierjacks, A. (2016): Grazing deteriorates the soil carbon stocks of Caatinga forest ecosystems in Brazil. ...more Selge, F., Matta, E., Hinkelmann, R., Gunkel, G. (2016): Nutrient load concept- reservoir vs. bay impacts: A case study from a semi-arid watershed. ...more Tavares, F.M., Schulz, K., de Cássia Araújo Pereira, R., Cierjacks, A., Almeida-Cortez, J.S. (2016): Floristic survey of the Caatinga in areas with different grazing intensities, Pernambuco, northeast Brazil. ...more
Griewald, Y. (2016): Institutional economics of grain marketing in Russia: Insights from the Tyumen region. ...more Fleischer, E., Khashimov, I., Hölzel, N., Klemm, O. (2016): Carbon exchange fluxes over peatlands in Western Siberia: Possible feedback between land-use change and climate change. ...more Kämpf, I., Hölzel, N., Kiehl, K. (2016): Arable weed communities in the south of Western Siberia – impoverished species pools constrain diversity despite low land-use intensity. ...more Kämpf, I., Hölzel, N., Störrle, M., Broll, G., Kiehl, K. (2016): Potential of temperate agricultural soils for carbon sequestration: A meta-analysis of land-use effects. ...more Kämpf. I., Mathar, W., Kuzmin, I., Hölzel, N., Kiehl, K. (2016): Post-Soviet recovery of grassland vegetation on abandoned fields in the forest steppe zone of Western Siberia. ...more Kühling. I., Broll, G., Trautz, D. (2016): Spatio-temporal analysis of agricultural land-use intensity across the Western Siberian grain belt. ...more Mathar, W., Kämpf, I., Kuzmin, I., Tupitsin, S., Tolstikov, A., Kleinebecker, T., Hölzel, N. (2016): Floristic diversity and species composition of meadow steppes in the Western Siberian Forest-Steppe zone - Effects of management, local site conditions and landscape structure. ...more Schmalz. B., Kruse, M., Kiesel, J., Müller. F., Fohrer, N. (2016): Water-related ecosystem services in Western Siberian lowland basins – Analysing and mapping spatial and seasonal effects on regulating services based on ecohydrological modelling results. ...more Störrle. M., Hagedorn, L., Yurtaev, A., Brauckmann, H.J., Broll, G. (2016): Soil structure of arable and non‐arable land in the Western Siberian Grain Belt in Russia—Application of the soil fingerprint code for topsoil characterization. ...more Stupak, N. (2017): Adaptation of Russian agriculture to climatic variability: The role of federal and provincial policies. ...more Török, P., Ambarli, D., Kamp, J., Wesche, K., Dengler, K. (2016): Step(pe) up! Rasing the profile of Palearctic natural grasslands. ...more Weking. S., Kämpf, I., Mathar, W., Hölzel, N. (2016): Effects of land use and landscape patterns on Orthoptera communities in the Western Siberian forest steppe. ...more Wertebach, T. M., Knorr, K. H., Lordieck, M., Tretiakov, N., Blodau, C., Hölzel, N., Kleinebecker, T. (2016): Relationships between vegetation succession, pore water chemistry and CH₄ and CO₂ production in a transitional mire of Western Siberia (Tyumen Oblast). ...more Wesche, K., Ambarli, D., Török, J., Kamp, J., Treiber, J., Dengler, J. (2016): The Palaearctic steppe biome: an ew synthesis. ...more
Blagodatsky, S., Xu, J., Cadisch, G. (2016): Carbon balance of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) plantations: a review of uncertainties at plot, landscape and production level. ...more Cotter, M., Häuser, I., Harich, F.K., He, P., Sauerborn, J., Treydte, A.C., Martin, K., Cadisch, G. (2017): Biodiversity and ecosystem services−A case study for the assessment of multiple species and functional diversity levels in a cultural landscape. ...more Harich, F., Treydte, A. (2016): Mammalian wildlife diversity in rubber and oil palm plantations. ...more
14.03.17 - 16.03.17 Worldcover 2017 Conference Rome, Italy
20.03.17 - 24.03.17 Land and Poverty Conference 2017: Responsible Land Governance—Towards an Evidence Based Approach Washington, USA
20.03.17 - 23.03.17 2017 Natural Capital Symposium Stanford University, USA
05.04.17 - 09.04.17 AAG Annual Meeting Boston, USA
02.05.17 - 04.05.17 ALTER-Net conference 2017 |Nature and society: synergies, conflicts, trade-offs Ghent, Belgium
29.05.17 - 01.06.17 International Interdisciplinary Conference "Land Use and Water Quality" 2017 The Hague, the Netherland
21.08.17 - 23.08.17 Resilience 2017 conference Stockholm, Sweden ...more
BMBF-Research Programme „Sustainable Land Management” Scientific Coordination and Synthesis (GLUES)
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ Department for Computational Landscape Ecology Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
For more information please get in touch with:
Daniela Narr | daniela.narr(at)ufz.de | +49 (0) 341-235 1058 or
Benjamin Haerdle | benjamin.haerdle(at)ufz.de | +49 (0) 341-235 1816
Picture credits: LUCCi (1), GLUES/GDI (2), Tomáš Václavík (3), GLUES (4), SURUMER (5), LandYOUs (6), COMTESS ( 7, 8) and SASCHA (9).
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