GLUES Geoportal

Within the framework of GLUES the Professorship of Geoinformation Systems of the TU Dresden is implementing a Geodata Infrastructure (GDI) to facilitate publishing, sharing and maintenance of distributed global and regional data sets as well as model results on scenarios of land use, climate change and economic development. The GLUES GDI supports the technical collaboration of the GLUES partners and the regional projects of the Sustainable Land Management funding measure and provides the technical basis for outreach activities.

The GLUES GDI serves three main purposes:

  1. to allow the involved research teams to effectively disseminate and share their model and analysis results as well as the underlying base scenarios and data sets
  2. to support a seamless integration of existing resources which for instance serve as input to the scientific models or as reference data for comparative analysis
  3. to offer robust exploration and analysis tools to support various stakeholders in applying the GLUES results and findings in their planning and management activities