»Interactions between Land Management, Climate Change and Ecosystem Services«  
  Quarterly Letter | Issue 1 | 15th of July 2011  

Dear colleagues in the Sustainable Land Management programme,

the BMBF-Research Programme on „Sustainable Land Management” runs since 2010. Now that almost all of the Regional Projects (RPs) within the research programme have started their work, the Scientific Coordination (GLUES) wants to introduce to you the first edition of the „Quarterly Letter”.

What is the idea of a Quarterly Letter? We would like to establish this information letter as a communication and networking tool within the land management programme. The letter mainly serves to exchange information within the research programme and to share views and experiences of all people involved. In other words: To keep everybody informed, on a quarterly basis, about what is going on in the „Sustainable Land Management” programme.

To gather information for the upcoming Quarterly Letters we would like to ask you for the latest stories/news, pictures, events or publications you would like to share with the community in our research programme. Your support to the letter would be very much appreciated.

This letter will be delivered to everyone who is involved in and related to the programme/module A which includes all Regional Projects, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Project Management Agency (PT-DLR) and the Scientific Coordination (GLUES).

In case we forgot anyone or new colleagues just started work in your Regional Project, please send an email to and we will add him or her as a recipient.

We wish you a very good start of your work in the regional projects.

Kindest regards,

The GLUES Scientific Coordination Team

  Sustainable Land Management News  
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  Selected Publications and Products  

Seppelt, R., Dormann, C., Eppink, F. V., Lautenbach, S., Schmidt, S. (2011):

A quantitative review of ecosystem studies: Approaches, shortcomings and the road ahead. Journal of Applied Ecology



Weith, T., Schulz, K., Gaasch, N., Seppelt, R., Werntze, A., Eppink, F. (2010):

Towards Integration: Sustainable Land Management A new German Research Funding Measure



Popp A., Lotze-Campen H. and Bodirsky B. (2010):
Food consumption, diet shifts and associated non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural production. Global Environmental Change 20: 451-462


BMBF-Research Programme „Sustainable Land Management”
Scientific Coordination and Synthesis (GLUES)

Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Department for Computational Landscape Ecology
Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany


For more information please get in touch with:

Andreas Werntze | andreas.werntze(at)ufz.de | +49 (0) 341-235 1816 or

Daniela Narr | daniela.narr(at)ufz.de | +49 (0) 341-235 1058

Picture credits: UFZ (1/2/4/5), CC-LandStraD (3)

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